
What we know and still don’t know about the disappearance of Taylor Casey

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The disappearance of American woman Taylor Casey remains a mysterious case in the Bahamas and is now making headlines around the world.

The 41-year-old Chicago native is believed to be a transgender woman who traveled to the country to attend a yoga retreat on Paradise Island.

The Royal Bahamas Police Force issued a missing person poster and is investigating the leads.

What we know about Taylor Casey’s disappearance

Taylor Casey came to the Bahamas on June 2 to become a certified yoga instructor. She attended the Sivananda Ashram Yoga Retreat Center on Paradise Island which sits offshore from New Providence and is connected by Sir Sidney Poitier Bridge.

Taylor Casey is seen in the Bahamas with a shirt that reads, “Yoga Teacher Training Course”

She is believed to have attended sessions up until June 19. It was late that evening when she was last seen.

See MORE:‘I believe Taylor is in danger’: Mother of missing Chicago trans woman is worried sick

Someone saw her walk to the coral reefs in the ocean which is believed to be 15 minutes from the retreat where she stayed.

Her family confirmed that her phone is pinging in the water. “Her location was followed on her phone and it shows it is in the water,” her niece Saneria Benson said.

While in the Bahamas, she lived in a tent on the property, partly to experience nature, because it was a yoga and wellness trip.

The yoga retreat center released a statement saying it is helping authorities in their investigations and is asking others with information to pass it along to the Royal Bahamas Police Force.

What we still don’t know about Taylor Casey’s disappearance

Casey’s disappearance is quite mysterious and authorities have not revealed much information on the search efforts or where the investigation is leading them.

There are many unknowns:
  1. Did she travel alone?
  2. Did she meet up with friends in the country?
  3. Who paid for her accommodations?
  4. Did she leave the resort?

The family said other than what they have issued to the press, “further details cannot be disclosed at this time.”

Fears of safety for tourists

Safety concerns for tourists coming to the Bahamas are helping to mobilize the story and captivating audiences. This is why the story of Taylor Casey’s disappearance is making international headlines.

In recent times, the crime rate in the country spiraled, with the murder rate hitting double digits. This resulted in the US level 2 travel advisory for its citizens coming to the Bahamas since January of this year.

“Violent crime, such as burglaries, armed robberies, and sexual assaults, occur in both tourist and non-tourist areas,” the US advisory read. “In Nassau, practice increased vigilance in the “Over the Hill” area (south of Shirley Street) where gang-on-gang violence has resulted in a high homicide rate primarily affecting the local population. Violent crime, such as burglaries, armed robberies, and sexual assaults, occur in both tourist and non-tourist areas,” the US advisory continued.

However, crime against tourists is rare and the violence is more concentrated in areas where locals reside.

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